Officers Greg Ryan and Josh Green, right, of the Houston Police Department clear a building while searching for the "bad guy" during an intruder drill.

The Community Betterment and Arts Council of Houston will present business security training March 29 (tonight) at the Melba Performing Arts Center at 214 S. Grand Ave.

The presenter is Tim Ceplina, who owns Spearpoint LLC, a business that trains schools, businesses and churches about active shooter and armed intruder response. Ceplina is also Houston’s police chief.

The training will run from 7-8:30 p.m. and is geared toward teaching business owners and employees to learn about response in a workplace or retail environment. It will include training in workplace violence and immediate trauma care with the use of a video and simulations.

The focus is on “Run, Hide and Fight,” which is simple to learn and employ, Ceplina said. Ceplina will talk about some history of the phenomena, best practices and recovery after an incident.

“Our training isn’t about inspiring fear or creating panic,” he said. “We make it empowering. Good training should leave you with a feeling that you have new skills and capabilities to get through tough times.”

The cost of the presentation will be funded by donations with everyone encouraged to have a ticket for the event. Advance tickets may be secured from Jim McNiell, 573-258-1329; or Elaine Campbell, 417-260-0043. Tickets will be available at the door, but seating is limited.

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